
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More.

Nursery Christmas Lunch

Dear Parents/Carers


We would like to invite our Nursery children to enjoy a hot Christmas lunch in the school hall on Thursday 12th December 2024.  Even though the Nursery children are usually only offered a cold lunch option as this is a special lunch, they are invited to have a hot Christmas lunch on this day.  If you would like your child to have a Christmas lunch on Thursday 12th December, you will need to make a payment of £2.75 via Parent Pay or request a barcoded letter. Please note, this will not show as a separate item on your Parent Pay account, just make a payment for lunch in the normal way.  There will be a roast turkey or Quorn roast option for the children. The full Christmas lunch menu is shown on the attached poster.


Please can we ask you to complete the link to make the lunch choice for your child by 12pm on Friday 6th December.


It is really important that we receive a response for every child to help us plan appropriately, even if your child will bring a packed lunch from home. Please be aware that if we don’t receive a response from you, we will not be able to provide a Christmas lunch for your child. Your support in completing the form is very much appreciated.


We are asking that the children wear their Christmas jumper on the day that they have their Christmas dinner so Christmas jumpers for KS1 on Tuesday 10th, for KS2 on Wednesday and Nursery and Reception on Thursday. Although Christmas Jumper Day is an initiative from the charity Save the Children, as we have asked parents for several donations recently, we are not asking for individual donations but will talk to the children about the charity in assembly at the start of next week and should you wish to make your own donation, there are different ways to do this using the website link below.


Most pupils do have a school lunch on this day.  It is a lovely occasion and we encourage all pupils to take part both in terms of having a Christmas lunch and wearing a Christmas jumper.


Thank you for your ongoing support.


Yours sincerely



Mr Chamberlain                  Mrs Gray

Head Teacher                      Deputy Head Teacher
