Learning Together, Achieving More.
Good afternoon everyone, we hope that you have had a safe and happy holiday. We are really looking forward to welcoming our children back to school tomorrow. Just a few reminders to help things run smoothly in the morning. Please make sure that all children bring a named water bottle into school (water only) and that in KS2 children bring a healthy snack of either fruit (fresh or dried) or vegetable. (There is no toast option for KS2 this year).
Many of you will have seen in the news the renewed importance around punctuality and attendance. Children in KS1 need to be in their classroom by 8.50am to avoid a late mark in the register. For KS2, children need to be in their classroom by 8.40am- please make sure your child has enough time to get to their classroom to avoid a late mark when inside the building.
If you have a child in Reception or Nursery, please see your individual induction timetable which was given out last term for starting dates and times.
If your child has any prescribed medication, this needs to be taken to the school office in the morning alongside the relevant form. If your child has an inhaler, please ensure this is with your child so that your child's new teacher can store this in their new class.
Your children will learn about their new timetable this week, including PE days. Some of you have already purchased our new Royal Blue PE t-shirt, which becomes part of our kit after October half term. If you have purchased one from school, this will be given out this week too.
Look out for email and Dojo updates and messages. Our Oracle newsletter will come home weekly from Friday 13th.
That's all for now, we look forward to seeing lots of smiles tomorrow.
Best wishes,
Mr Chamberlain and Mrs Gray.
Head Teacher Deputy Head Teacher