
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More

Lunch Menus






School lunches week beginning Monday  29th April 2024 are as according to:


 Spring Summer Menu Week 1.pdf (see above in the documents section)


The children can also choose from a cheese, ham or tuna mayonnaise sandwich or a filled jacket potato, if they prefer. (see note below)



A reminder that nuts of any kind, including Nutella, are not allowed in school because of allergies.


We cannot stress strongly enough how important it is that nuts or products containing nuts are not brought into school for snack time or in lunchboxes as it can have very serious consequences.


For all KS2 meals, unless you are entitled to Free School Meals please pay 

Nursery  - £2.55, Primary  - £2.70  using ParentPay in advance - thank you.

If you are purchasing a school meal (and your child is not entitled to Free School Meal) and/or toast (Toast is £0.25), can you kindly ensure you have checked and applied the credit to your account by 8.30 am each day. Finance are finding they are spending a considerable amount of time, chasing parents/carers. Thank you


Please Note:

School meal prices will be changing as follows for the academic year 2023/24

Nursery  - £2.55

Primary  - £2.70


Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will continue to be eligible for universal free school meals


For more information, please refer to the School Meals Update letter within the documents section.


14th September 2023


Good morning Nursery Parents/Carers,

We have now set up the Lunchtime care costs for your child commencing 18 September 2023.  If you login to your ParentPay account you will see Autumn 1 payment which is due no later than 20 October 2023.  If you do not have a ParentPay account, please contact the school office, who will arrange for a barcode letter to be sent home with your child today/tomorrow which provides details of how to set up this account, or you can use the barcode letter to make payments at any Paypoint store, with the nearest to school being the Co-op in Lyndon road.

If you wish your child to purchase a school meal, you will need to apply (if not already) credit to the school meal payment item of a minimum of £2.55 per day.   Credit should always be on your account by 8.30 each day.

Many thanks


Mrs T Chakmak

Finance Officer/Wraparound Admin Officer




Tuck in Year 3 - September 2023


21st July 2023


Good Afternoon Parents/Carers of Existing Year 2


As your child will be moving into Year 3 from September 2023, all children will have access to purchasing Toast at Break-time.  If you DO NOT want your child to purchase toast (which is chargeable) then please reply back to us on this email and we will update the system.


If we do not hear from you by Monday 24 July 2023 we will assume that you authorise your child to purchase toast at break-time from September 2023. Many thanks.


Kind Regards


Mrs T Chakmak

Finance Officer/Wraparound Admin Officer
