Learning Together, Achieving More
Olton Primary School
Lyndon Road, Solihull
West Midlands B92 7QF
Telephone : 0121 706 2644
Email: office@olton.solihull.sch.uk
Mr L Chamberlain - Head teacher
Mrs E Gray - Deputy Head teacher
Mrs L Roy - Chair of Governors
Mrs A Pimm - Lead SEND Co-ordinator
Mrs L Napier - Family Support Worker
Mrs Y Jones - Office Manager
Mrs S Fennelly - Business Manager
Telephone 0121 706 2644 (select option 3- Finance)
Mrs T Chakmak - Before and After School Admin Officer
Telephone 0121 706 2644 (select option 3 - Finance).
Email – s12tchakmak@olton.solihull.sch.uk
All documents from this website are available as paper copies on request from the school office.
Office opening times: 8:15 am - 4:00 pm