
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More.



At Olton Primary School, we have designed our curriculum with the intent that our children will become, resilient, independent, well rounded learners that will have the building blocks to become successful, moral adults, live healthy lifestyles, and take opportunities beyond their horizons.


The National Curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music
  • Be taught to sing, create and compose music
  • Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated
  • Find enjoyment in a range of different music genres, cultures and eras
  • Are confident in expressing their musical talents


Our intention at Olton Primary School is to develop a passion and enjoyment of the subject, as well as an understanding and importance of all types of music, and the role that music may play in different cultures. It is our intention for them to develop a lifelong enjoyment of music and to feel that they are musical.


At Olton Primary School the intention is that children gain a firm understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing, and composing across a wide variety of historical periods, styles, traditions, and musical genres.


At Olton Primary School we follow the Charanga scheme from reception to Y6. Knowledge and skills are developed through; singing, listening, appraising different genres of music, performing together, composing and learning different instruments such as recorders and glockenspiels.


We monitor the impact of the Music curriculum through various means including: evidence of work, pupil conferences, Music end of unit assessments and learning walks.  These are analysed on a termly basis and a 'School Improvement Plan' for Music produced which contributes to the whole school ongoing continuous improvement cycle and whole school self-evaluation


Music Progression across KS1 and KS2

National Curriculum - Music

End of Key Stage Expectations

Enrichment Opportunities and Planned Events

Rock steady run musical sessions for Years 3 - 6 each Thursday afternoon. This is a unique way of providing music lessons as children can choose from the electric guitar, keyboard, drums or vocals and enjoy playing in a happy, supportive environment with their friends. With termly concerts at school assemblies, children will be able to show off their progress to friends, teachers and parents with the rest of their band. Parents are able to sign up to these lessons via the Rock Steady website

