
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More.

Reading Events


To be held during the school day for pupils on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th March 2024 and access to parents after school from 3:15-4-15pm.  


Attached below is a Book Fair Flyer detailing some of the books 

Harry Potter Evening - 22nd February 2024


Reading Advent Calendar 2023


To celebrate the build up to Christmas, we’re encouraging everyone to read a little more during December!


This year, we have set up a new online advent calendar for you to access. It will go live on 1st December and will close on 24th December. Please use the link below.


See how many of these reading activities you can complete this advent!

Reading Advent Challenges


To celebrate the build up to Christmas, we’re encouraging everyone to read a little more during December!


Please find the challenges below. 


See how many of these reading activities you can complete this advent!
