Learning Together, Achieving More.
We are keen to promote local community events which our families might enjoy participating in. Please take a look at the events below which you might like to get involved with:-
Have you heard Asda will be donating millions of pounds to Primary PTAs and Schools. The bold new initiative from the supermarket will allow customers to raise money for their own Primary school by shopping with Asda Rewards – which now has over 6 million weekly users.
All you need to do is click on the link within the Asda App ‘Asda rewards cash for schools’, enter the school’s postcode – B92 7QF and accept. This will then be linked to your app on your phone.
To support the focus of the week, Olton will be taking part in different ways to promote discussion and further awareness. This year, all classes will be involved in activities around this year's theme, 'Choose Respect'
In addition to this there are a few other activities below:
Tuesday 12th November: Odd Socks Day! Children and Staff are invited to come to school wearing odd socks with their school uniform to celebrate our uniqueness and individuality!
KS1 and KS2 special assembly. KS2 - there will be a BBC live online lesson on Monday, where they will Join Shanequa Paris, Rhys Stephenson and Dr Radha Modgil for a Live Lesson from Wigan, the home of Hacker T Dog. Children will help Hacker to put on the ultimate sports day where we'll learn how to play fair, work together, and show respect.
At the end of the week:
Pupils should:
We are also pleased to share that Olton Primary has signed up to the United Against Bullying Programme and we shall be working with all of our children to strengthen their ongoing well-being about bullying in everyday life and the online world
This section has details of when the SATs KS1 and KS2 tests will take place in 2024 as well useful links to the BBC Bitesize KS2 website for English, Grammar, Spelling and Mathematics.
Next week, Monday to Thursday, our Year 6 children will be completing their SATs.
Many of the Year 6 children will be joining us for breakfast club next week to help get their day off to a good start.
If you wish for your child to attend, please let us know by the end of Friday 10th May. Children coming to the Year 6 breakfast club must come to the white door by Racoons by 8:00am.
As all of the tests will take place in the morning, we ask that if your child is not attending breakfast club that they are in promptly or the start of the day (junior doors close at 8:40am) to ensure that they are settled and ready to begin.
The teachers have prepared the children well, so please encourage the children to spend time outdoors. Plenty of sleep, a good breakfast and lots of positive encouragement will help them to do their very best which is all we would ever ask from them.
Please can we ask you to ensure that they are in school on time each morning.
We know that all of the children will be doing their absolute best. Good luck Year 6!
If in an exceptional circumstance, your child is unable to attend school on one of the days next week, please can you inform us as soon as possible as unless suitable arrangements can be made, this will impact your child’s results.
The Year 2 tests are not strictly timed to reduce the pressure in a test situation. There is no set timetable for the Year 2 SATs other than they need to be completed in May.
CEOP News and articles surrounding internet safety.
Think You Know Great advice to keep children safe whilst using the internet.
Parent Information Expert information to help children and young people stay safe online.
UK Safer Internet Centre E-safety tips, advice and resources.
NSPCC Safety Online Helpful advice and tools you can use to help keep your child safe whenever and wherever they go online.
Childnet International Parents and Carers information to keep your child safe online.
Action for Children Action for Children supports and speaks for the UK's most vulnerable and neglected children and young people.
BBC Bitesize Fun activities to help children learn more key subjects.
Department for Education Articles and advice for children and young people.
Active Together Parks Challenge Spread the word and let’s get visiting the 26 parks in the Solihull area. Scan the QR code to earn points for Olton Primary. Full details are attached