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Please find below Ofsted, performance and results for:
Ofsted information
Ofsted, performance and results
Olton Primary has been officially graded as “GOOD” in all areas of the school in the January 2023 Ofsted Inspection. To read the full report refer to the documents section.
Overall effectiveness of Olton Primary = Good.
Financial Benchmarking
Compare the school’s income and expenditure with similar establishments in England.
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Performance and results
You can find out about our performance data and KS2 results from the Department for Education (DFE) https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/school/104076
Subject | Expected Standard | Greater Depth |
Reading (R) | 75% | 26% |
Writing (W) | 71% | 10% |
Maths (M) | 76% | 27% |
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling | 83% | 37% |
Combined (R, W & M) | 61% | N/A |