
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More.

Remote Learning



National Literacy Trust - 'Take 10' Event - Friday 8th October 2021



Did you know that reading for just 10 minutes a day can improve your wellbeing?


In the run-up to World Mental Health Day, we at Olton are supporting the National Literacy Trust by encouraging our teachers, pupils and families to take part in the #Take10ToRead challenge. You can join us by reading for 10 minutes at 10 am on Friday 8th October, and by sharing your experience on social media using the hashtags: #Take10ToRead and #ConnectingStories


We will also be joining in a special virtual author event at 9.45 am on Friday 8th October!

We will get to meet Tom Percival, superstar author-illustrator of many much-loved picture books and young fiction books.





As well as chatting about how reading helps us feel good, pupils will be treated to a sneak peek of Tom's brand NEW BOOK Silas and the Marvellous Misfits before it publishes on 14 October! Picked as a Marcus Rashford Book Club Choice, Silas and the Marvellous Misfits is an action-packed adventure that shows kids the joy of being themselves.


Encouraging children to find joy in, and celebrate, their differences is so powerful. Tom inspires this mindset in the most fun, engaging, action-packed way. I would have loved to read this book as a child!Marcus Rashford MBE







Listed below are some links which will help you find appropriate resources for your child’s learning:



  • Purple Mash –  Olton Primary Purple Mash. ‘To do’ activities set on Purple Mash. These can be updated remotely, so staff can add additional tasks to this each week as necessary.
  • Olton Primary – Times Table Rockstars programme (Year 1 and up), so the children can be learning and rehearsing times tables.
  • The Maths Factor was created by Carol Vorderman. The activities are matched to the National Curriculum and are suitable for children aged between 4 and 12 years old. You can sign up for free using the website link above.

  • NumBots  login to TT Rock Stars and press the NumBots logo in the corner.
  • Khan Academy Some fantastic resources for teaching maths skills.
  • Numberblocks – Sing and learn all about numbers
  • Number fun portal Videos, songs, games and activities covering the primary maths curriculum
  • Top Marks – Number Games
  • Third Space Learning Advice for parents on home learning and get a free account to access some useful maths activities




  • Hour of Code Activities– lots of hour long programming tutorials based around popular games (including Minecraft, Angry Birds, Star Wars, Frozen…)
  • Blockly Games more coding games
  • Scratch – programming tool – again, good tutorials and the ability to make your own game.
  • Purple Mash – Computing challenges




  • Smart music –  tools that support music practise online


  • Duolingo  – Learn a language for free – there is also an app free to download


Fun things you can do as a Daily Activity

  • Chatta Club – Sign up for daily activities – Free access during covid-19
  • PBS kids  – Sign up to get daily tips and activities to help kids play and learn at home

To give your brain a break

  • The body coach  – Will be hosting a daily PE class for children of all ages at 9am Monday to Friday through his Youtube channel
  • Just Dance – Dance along videos available to lots of songs through their Youtube channel
  • Make your own toys
    Get creative and make your own simple toys – should be able to view the video without signing in to Facebook on this link or by googling “Oriental Cuisine making simple toys that every child likes”
  • 30 day Lego challenge
    Lots of fun ideas to keep them busy if you have Lego at home – scroll to the bottom of this link to download a printable version of the 30 day Lego challenge
  • Mo Willems
    A children’s author doing writing and drawing lessons online. A new video is posted everyday.
  • Scouts
    Over 100 indoor activities to keep kids learning new skills and having fun
  • The Louvre museum
    Take a virtual tour of some areas of the Louvre museum
  • Supermovers
    Lots of fun videos that are linked to the curriculum and get you moving
  • Go noodle
    Lots of videos and activities to encourage moving and mindfulness
  • Cosmic kids yoga
    Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation for kids 3+
  • Calm
    Lots of calming, mindfulness and meditation resources for kids and adults
    Anna Freud Centre
    Advice on supporting young people’s mental health during times of disruption
  • Headspace
    Some free meditations – more available on the app and if you subscribe
  • Young Minds
    Mental health support and questions to ask, answers to common worries.
  • Brain Pop
    A video to learn about the Coronavirus for older students. 
  • Into Film

    Into Film is an organisation that supports schools in learning linked to cinema.  They are keeping an up-to-date list of films that are available for you to stream at home, along with questions and discussion points you could use together. 


    This is at


    News & Views - Home Learning Films to Stream on BBC iPlayer and All4 - Into Film

    For any fans of animation and more specifically the films of Studio Ghibli, Mary and the Witch's Flower is a must-watch as it was created by many of those involved as part of a new animation studio. Based on British author Mary Stewart's children's book The Little Broomstick, this gentle and enchanting anime follows the magical adventures of a red-haired girl.


  • Home-schooling helpline for parents – The Department for Education (DfE) has announced that STAR Academies Trust has launched StarLine – a national helpline for parents who are home-schooling in England. The free telephone helpline aims to offer confidential advice to families from qualified teachers and parenting experts, including advice on behaviour and timetabling, as well as help for those looking after children with special educational needs or disabilities.


