Learning Together, Achieving More
Olton Primary School is a mainstream school and the majority of our pupils are expected to reach the learning goals for their age. A small number of our pupils do have special educational needs. Children are identified as having SEND when their progress has slowed or stopped and the interventions, resources etc. we normally put in place do not enable improvement.
We have children with a range of different needs in our school including ADHD, ASD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, hearing impairment, visual impairment, SEMH difficulties, moderate learning difficulties, speech and language difficulties (including speech disorders), and health problems (e.g. asthma, allergies).
The class teacher and, if appropriate, the SENCO will meet with you to discuss if further advice and support is required and depending on the area of concern, we may recommend a referral to an external agency. These practitioners have specific expertise in academic development, sensory difficulties, behavioural issues, language difficulties and autistic spectrum disorders.
Your child may need very specialist support for some complex emotional needs. This may require a referral to SOLAR. Your doctor may also be able to offer advice.
We may ask one of our Family Support Worker (Mrs Glover or Mrs Napier) to assist your child if he/she requires support emotionally, or around relationships in school. You can also ask our Family Support Worker for advice or even a cup of tea and a chat!
Whilst Olton Primary is not a specialist school, staff have a wide range of experience teaching children with additional needs and disabilities. Our class teachers closely monitor the progress made by all the children and ask advice from the SENCO as soon as they have concerns about any pupil. The SENCO helps class teachers to plan activities such as small group work or special programmes to help the child. If these activities don’t help the child to make good progress, the SENCO might suggest other programmes or temporary additional support, or may ask for advice or assessment from an external specialist service – this will be done in conjunction with parents/carers. If the child still does not make good progress the SENCO and class teacher will meet with parents/carers and together agree that additional SEND support will be put in place.
As soon as your child’s SEND has been identified we will contact you and invite you to come into school to discuss plans to help him or her make better progress.
Our SEND Policy will give you the information you need about how we make provision for all pupils with SEND. Our SEND policy can be viewed on our school website: www.olton.solihull.sch.uk If you would like to discuss our SEND provision or find out more, please contact our SENCO.
Our class teachers and SENCO regularly monitor each child’s progress using the school’s OTrack system and through pupil progress meetings. The use of ‘B Squared’ assessment materials support staff in monitoring and tracking the small steps progress that children make and this information can then be used to plan suitable programmes of work. The impact of any intervention that has taken place is closely monitored by the SENCO and continued or changed depending on the effect it has had on progress.
In addition to the whole school reporting process, parents of children with SEND are invited to meet termly with the class teacher and/or SENCO, where required, to discuss progress and next steps. If/where appropriate, representatives from external agencies may be in attendance at such meetings. At any time during the course of the year parents/guardians/carers may request a meeting with class teachers/and or the SENCO if they have any concerns. Annual reviews are held annually for children with an EHC plan.
NB: due to the ongoing covid pandemic, it may not be possible for you to come into school in which case, we will arrange an alternative meeting method.
The teacher will have the highest possible expectations for all pupils in his or her class including children with SEND. All teaching is based on building on what children already know, can do and can understand. Teachers will put in place different ways of teaching so that every child is fully involved in learning in class. This may involve things like using more practical learning or providing different resources adapted for specific children. Teachers will also put in place specific strategies (which may be suggested by the SENCO or staff from outside agencies) to enable all children to access the learning task. Each teacher will have carefully checked on each child’s progress to monitor if they have gaps in their understanding/learning and needs some extra support in order to close the gap between the child and their peers. He/ She will plan sessions for children with SEND with targets to help each child to make more progress. Via the ‘Dojo’ system class teachers will give parents more information about what their child is learning on a weekly basis and how parents can help their child make good progress. There is more information about the school curriculum on our website at www.olton.solihull.sch.uk
The school is fully wheelchair accessible. A sensory audit of the school has been carried out and the sensory needs of all pupils is considered.
The school employ a number of learning support assistants to support children with SEND. In some instances, support from Solihull Specialist Inclusion Support Service (SISS) may be implemented in the form of direct teaching or monitoring and advice given to teachers as necessary. During the termly meetings there will be opportunity to discuss the additional interventions your child is receiving.
Children with SEND are welcome at all extra-curricular clubs. More information about extra-curricular activities can be found on our website at www.olton.solihull.sch.uk
All children take part in personal and social development with their class. Friendship groups, social stories and anxiety management groups are organised for children who find the social and emotional aspect of school life challenging. Olton Primary School uses ‘Zones of Regulation’ and ‘Growth Mindset’ approaches to help all children develop emotional literacy skills. For children with specific social, emotional and mental health difficulties we work closely with the SEMH team in Solihull and will refer to other services, i.e. SOLAR, if necessary. Our Family Support Worker offers pastoral support where required.
Mrs Pimm and Mrs Sainsbury are the SENCOs at Olton Primary School. Both can be contacted via the school office on 0121 706 2644 or via email: office@olton.solihull.sch.uk
The school has a school development plan that includes identified training needs for all staff to improve the teaching and learning of children including those with SEND. This may include whole staff training to share knowledge, strategies and experience, & ensure consistency of the school’s approach for children with a SEND as well as training to support identified groups of learners in school with difficulties such as autism, dyslexia, etc. Teachers and support staff attend training courses run by outside agencies that are relevant to the needs of specific children in their class. The SENCO and teacher work closely with specialists from external support services who may provide advice or direct support as appropriate. The SENCO offers ‘Drop-in Clinics’ for staff to discuss concerns regarding pupils’ needs and strategies to support them.
The school will liaise with the appropriate professionals to discuss the needs of your child if they need specialist equipment. The LA provides specialist equipment such as wheelchairs /standing frames etc. when prescribed by a relevant health specialist.
Parents of children with SEND are invited to meet termly with the class teacher and/or SENCO to discuss progress and next steps. Annual reviews are held annually for children with an EHC plan. Parents/Carers will be signposted to relevant outside agencies where appropriate.
Mrs Pimm or Mrs Sainsbury will keep parents informed of any support meetings or parents groups to enable parents to support their child at home. Mrs Glover and Mrs Napier (Family Support Workers) also keeps families informed of different support groups.
NB: due to the ongoing covid pandemic, it may not be possible for you to come into school in which case, we will arrange an alternative meeting method.
Class teachers set targets and discuss them with the children. Children with an IEP are invited to make contributions to their targets where appropriate. Pupil conferencing may take place at various points throughout the year to give children the opportunity to contribute to teaching and learning and curriculum development. Children with an EHC Plan are asked to contribute their views as part of the annual review process.
In the first instance you should make a complaint directly to the child’s class teacher or SENCO. If the complaint isn’t resolved parents can follow the school’s official complaints policy which can be viewed via the school website. www.olton.solihull.sch.uk
School is supported by the SISS team and termly meetings are held with the SENCO to plan relevant support. These services work with the school, the child and families to ensure the best possible outcome for the child. Mrs Pimm or Mrs Sainsbury, the SENCOs, can put you in contact with the relevant agencies. They can be contacted via the school office on 0121 706 2644 or via email: office@olton.solihull.sch.uk.
Solihull SENDIAS offer a free confidential and impartial service for children and young people with Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) and their parents and carers. They are legally trained to offer information advice and support to children, Young People & their parents, to help them make informed decisions and play an active role in their own or their child’s education. They explain SEND processes and procedures in straight-forward language so everyone
knows what to expect and what part they play. They can be contacted via:
Phone: 0121 516 5173
Email: solihullsendias@family-action.org.uk
Website: https://www.family-action.org.uk/what-we-do/children-families/send/solihullsendias/
Kids independent support provide independent supporters who are trained to help families and young people through the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) assessment process. Contact:
Phone: 01384 423868
Email: ismidlands@kids.org.uk
Links to other services that may be of interest to you:
This list is not exhaustive and agencies/groups may not be relevant to all families.
Transition, either between year groups or key stages, is a very important point in a pupil’s school life. Within school, Teachers are given early access to IEPs/reports and given time to discuss these with the previous class teacher/SENCO. Pupils always have an opportunity to meet their new class teacher in the summer term and where appropriate/necessary, transition booklets for individual pupils will be written. We have strong links with our feeder schools within the Collaborative (KS3) and good lines of communication. Meetings take place between class teachers/Heads of Year and SENCOs from other schools where the needs of individual pupils are discussed. To enable a smooth transition to the next phase, visits extra to the main taster day may be offered and Pupil Profiles or Passports may be produced with pupils so that new teachers know all the key information about them. Meetings with outside agencies involved may take place and advice given is incorporated into a transition plan where appropriate. Pupils who are anxious about their transition will have access to a named person in school to discuss their concerns and anxieties with.
Information about Solihull’s Local Offer can be found by following the link.