
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More.

Snow Arrangements

Snow Arrangements




Adverse Weather & School Closure Procedure

In the event of bad weather, please note the following:

  • The Local Authority will no longer make a decision to impose a blanket closure of all schools and academies.

Any decision to close the school will be made in consultation with the Headteachers of the other schools in the cluster.

  • ParentMail parents will receive an email alert giving information (or be notified via Class Dojo).
  • The school’s website will also provide up-to-date information.
  • Soilhull MBC will endeavour to communicate information via its website and local media outlets.

If you do not have access to the internet please listen out for information on local radio. Unless you are notified otherwise, you should always assume the school is open.



If conditions deteriorate during a school day, the previously described notification process will be applied.


In the event of snow, you will be able to find more information from the sources outlined below. 

 Look on our own Website

Also keep an eye on the

@OltonPrimary at twitter account  -


and Parentmail.

Check Solihull MBC Website -

Or twitter or facebook


Tune in to local radio stations
who will broadcast information about which schools are closed:

HEART FM 100.7 FM – 6am onwards

BRMB 96.4 FM – 6am onwards
XTRA AM 1152 AM – 6am onwards
RADIO WM 95.6 FM – 6am onwards

Or Local TV
GMTV ITV – 5am onwards

Phone Solihull Connect
0121 704 6000
Open at 8.15am but a pre-recorded message will be posted prior to this if all schools are closed
