Learning Together, Achieving More.
There are resources that cover EYFS, KS1 and KS2.
Language Link – a number of children in school are a part of a Language Link Group (you will have been informed if your child is one of them). To support your children’s speech, language and communication needs, Language Link have fast tracked the launch of their new Parent Portal to help with this. The site will be live from Friday 20th March and will provide parents with FREE speech and language advice, resources and activities.
The site can be found at https://speechandlanguage.info/parents
Twinkl Has lots of resources for all areas of the curriculum – if you don’t have a printer you could use a lot of their sheets as a guide to create your own activities Sign up using an email address and password and use the code UKTWINKLHELPS to subscribe for free |
Teach it primary Sign up to get free access until the end of April – teaching packs including adaptable word documents, power points and activities for all areas of the primary curriculum |
Phonics play Interactive phonics games for children learning reception to year 2 work Username: march20 Password: home |
Teach your monster to read https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com A free online phonics and reading game There is also an app you can download for £0.99 |
Number fun portal Videos, songs, games and activities covering the primary maths curriculum |
TTS Free to download home learning activity books for EYFS, KS1 and KS2 |
Brain pop Lots of useful educational videos |
Scholastic Launching free online courses for children to complete independently around any curriculum area. https://classroommagazines.scholastic.com/support/learnathome.html |
Classroom secrets https://classroomsecrets.co.uk/ Free home learning packs and access to interactive resources for EYFS to KS2 |
Oxford owl Lots of primary reading resources, including over 100 free e-books |
Storyline online Stories read out loud for all ages |
World ebook Have made over 3000 ebooks and audio books available for children to access for free. Just create an account if you don’t have one already |
Top marks Full of educational games |
Prodigy game A maths based game – you can get a free account |
Duolingo Learn a language for free – there is also an app free to download |
BBC Bitesize Learning and revision activities for all areas and stages of the curriculum |
Resources focusing less on the curriculum but equally useful!
National Geographic Lots of interesting information and activities for kids |
30 day Lego challenge Lots of fun ideas to keep them busy if you have Lego at home – scroll to the bottom of this link to download a printable version of the 30 day Lego challenge https://www.freehomeschooldeals.com/free-printable-30-day-lego-challenge-instant-download/
Scratch Create stories, games and animations
CBBC Newsround Kid friendly news https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround Coronavirus info |
Mencap Easy to read information for pupils with SEND |
Pobble Non-screen activities to do at home |
To give your brain a break
The body coach Will be hosting a daily PE class for children of all ages at 9am Monday to Friday through his Youtube channel |
Calm Lots of calming, mindfulness and meditation resources for kids and adults |
Supermovers Lots of fun videos that are linked to the curriculum and get you moving |
Go noodle Lots of videos and activities to encourage moving and mindfulness |
Cosmic kids yoga Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation for kids 3+ |