
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More.


Science at Olton Primary


Primary science can be split into four broad topics:


 Scientific enquiry / Investigative skills

  • One of the most important aspects is thinking about safety, so always talk about wearing protective clothing, washing hands, and using the correct, well-maintained equipment.


  • These activities encourage children to start understanding the properties of and differences between materials and their possible uses. 

Physical processes

  • This area focuses on sound, forces and electricity. 

Life processes and living things

  • Children learn about humans, animals, plants and the environment

National Curriculum - Science

Long Term Science Overview

British Science week @ScienceWeekUK is a 10-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), which will take place between the 10th-19th March 2023. The theme for the British Science week 2023 is ‘Making Connections’.


There are some fantastic ideas on the British Science Week website (


