
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More.


At Olton Primary we believe that all children are entitled to an exciting Science curriculum in which their learning needs are identified and met. We aim to provide pupils with skills and  enthusiasm for their learning in Science.


We use a variety of teaching and learning styles in Science lessons. Our principal aim is to develop children’s knowledge, skills and understanding. Sometimes we use whole class teaching, at other times we engage children in an enquiry based research activity. We encourage children to ask, as well as answer and discuss scientific questions. The children are given the opportunity to use a variety of data, such as statistics, graphs, pictures and photographs. They use ICT in Science where it enhances their learning. They take part in role play and discussions and they present reports and   discussions to the rest of the class. Wherever possible, we involve the pupils in ‘real’ scientific activities, for example in KS2, how to test materials for effective sound- proofing or heat insulation. Or pupils carry out a practical experiment and analyse the results, for example in KS1 testing materials to find the most suitable one to make a kite or protecting an egg from breaking.



Science Curriculum at Olton Primary


Primary science can be split into four broad topics:


 Scientific enquiry / Investigative skills

  • One of the most important aspects is thinking about safety, so always talk about wearing protective clothing, washing hands, and using the correct, well-maintained equipment.


  • These activities encourage children to start understanding the properties of and differences between materials and their possible uses. 

Physical processes

  • This area focuses on sound, forces and electricity. 

Life processes and living things

  • Children learn about humans, animals, plants and the environment

Long Term Science Overview

National Curriculum - Science

Enhancements to our Science Curriculum

British Science Week

British Science week @ScienceWeekUK is a 10-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), which will take place between the 7th-16th March 2025. The theme for the British Science Week 2025 is ‘Change and Adapt’.


During British Science Week we hold our annual competition and invite parents into school so the children can showcase their projects. Look out for some photos event the event. The Science Gadget Shop will also be open after school during British Science Week.


There are some fantastic ideas on the British Science Week website (


Each term, we share information with children and parents about different events that have a link to the scientific world. They are things which children and parents can get involved in to further enhance knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of their understanding of the world. Please see our most recent information below.
