
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More

Art Exhibition Orders

Dear Parents/Carers,


Once again, thank you for your support in attending the Art Exhibition.  This is a final reminder,  if you wish to order your child’s artwork please do so by Tuesday 28th November.  See the attached form with details of how to pay.  Many thanks.


Kind Regards,

Mr Chamberlain

Head Teacher


( A copy of this letter can be found in the 'Letters Home' page)

Our School Art Exhibition was a huge success!                              


We would like to thank everyone who was able to attend our children’s Art Exhibition - it was a great event celebrating the creative talents of our pupils. The children had the opportunity to see their artwork displayed in their very own gallery. We are sure you will agree that their pictures looked absolutely wonderful!

There is still the opportunity for you to buy your child’s original framed art if you would like to do so.


If you would still like to purchase your child’s original framed picture:

please complete the details below and return to the school office by Tuesday 28th November along with payment of £8.25 per picture in cash, or cheque made payable to H.Bryant. Thank you.


Child’s Name …………………………………………………….......................Class …………………………….......................


Child’s Name …………………………………………………….......................Class …………………………..........................


N.B. Sorry, but additional framed prints of the original art are no longer available.



Best Wishes


Mr L Chamberlain

Head Teacher
