
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More

Charity Week

We have had another fantastic charity week and as always our whole school community have come together to show their kindness and generosity in support of our two chosen charities.


The sponsored events which took place last week raised a fabulous £1378.23. We have had our house markets running across the course of the week which raised an amazing total of £640.61. Well done to Oak who were the house that raised the most money.


We also had our cake sale after school which raised £140.30. Donations for the soak the head teacher event totalled £172.61. The copper see-saw and copper coin race saw a total of £299 in 1p and 2p coins collected. The weight of the coins on the see-saw by Friday managed to lift Mrs Garner and Dolphins were the class with the longest line of coins which was 58m in length.


Today we have had our non-uniform day from which we have collected a further £329.22. We also had other donations of £23.75.


This gives a grand total of £2983.72 raised through our 2023 charity week. 20% of the total is retained by school to purchase new resources and the remaining 80% is split between the two charities so they each get £1193.48.
