
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More.

Data Collection Sheet

Dear Parents/Carers,


Data Collection Sheet


Today each pupil will be bringing home their personal Olton Primary School Data Collection Sheet. We ask that you check all school bags for this envelope and kindly check all sections, amend where necessary and return to the School office immediately. All Data Collection sheets should be returned by Wednesday 27th September 2023. Even if there are no amendments, please sign and return the Data Sheet (this will be kept on your child’s file). It is essential that addresses (including the postcode) and telephone numbers for all contacts are completed. Please ensure that we have three named contacts for emergency contacts and the order in which they should be contacted, if not a minimum of two contacts would be acceptable.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.



Thank you for your cooperation.


Yours sincerely,

Mr L Chamberlain

Head Teacher
