
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More.

End of the Week Update

Dear Parents and Carers,


Thank you for your overwhelming support this week when we have finally opened up our school on to one site.  The children and their teachers were delighted to walk into their new building.  Thank you for supporting us as we modify some of the entrance and exit routes to and from school and we hope that you agree that the changes we made yesterday improved the way we accessed the site. 


Please can I respectfully ask that parents and carers do not arrive too early before their collection time as we need to be mindful about the number of visitors we have on site and until the blinds arrive for the classrooms, it can be a little distracting for the children when they see their parents outside.  Please can we ask that you wait away from the classroom windows as much as possible to help us to prepare for the end of the day.  Also please continue to be respectful to our neighbours on Lyndon Road regarding parking at drop off and collection times.  We continue to work closely with our community Policing Team to enforce considerate, safe parking.  Many of you will have noticed our new Walking Bus which is available for pupils in Year 1 to 6 and we still have a few spaces left. For more information please contact the school office.   During drop off and collection times parents can park at the Lyndon pub to walk and collect their child to further reduce traffic collection.


For pupils arriving late after their soft start (KS2 after 8.40 am and KS1 after 8.50am) must be signed in by a parent/carer in the main school office to further support our safeguarding protocols. 


From next week, we resume our weekly Newsletter.


Best Wishes


Mr L Chamberlain          Mrs E Gray

Head Teacher                  Deputy Head Teacher
