Learning Together, Achieving More.
Dear Parents/Carers,
Free School Meals
If your child is entitled to Free School Meals, you may well have received a weekly food voucher during the March national lockdown and school closure. At the moment, there is not a voucher system available and so the catering team at school are going to provide weekly food parcels for children who are entitled to free school meals and are not attending school.
The food parcels can be collected from the Infant and Junior site on a Wednesday with the first one being available on Wednesday 13th January. All children who are not attending school have had a food parcel ordered for next week but after this, when you collect your parcel, you will need to confirm that you want one ordering for the following week to avoid food being wasted. Please be aware that there are some perishable items such as fresh fruit/vegetables, yoghurts, cheese and bread and so the food parcels do need to be collected within a day or so of being prepared. The catering staff have to order the food parcels for the next week on a Friday and so if you have not informed us by Thursday at 4pm each week that you require a food parcel, we will be unable to provide this to you for that week.
Thank you for your ongoing support and please contact us if you have any queries.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Chamberlain Mrs Gray
Head Teacher Deputy Head Teacher