
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More.

Here to Help!

Here to Help!

January 7, 2021


Dear Parents and Carers,

Happy New Year! I hope you have had a restful break and you and your children are settling into home learning.


Ms Glover and I wanted to remind you that you are not alone. We are all in this together, albeit at a distance, but we are still here. Please do contact us at school if you or your children are struggling at all. We can call you weekly to check-in, refer you to outside agencies for things like clothing or food parcels, make referrals to organisations like Young Carers, Women’s Aid, and bereavement charities, the list goes on, please just know that we are here.


I have attached the latest newsletter from the Solihull Parenting Team, which has some great links at the bottom.

Tweet 28 – Support in Challenging Times (PDF)


Remember you are doing your best and make sure to take some time to care for yourself. I find mindfulness, box breathing, and fresh air all good for the soul.


Coronavirus | Dealing with anxiety & mental health during a pandemic

Coronavirus can stir up all sorts of feelings, like fear, anxiety or stress. A little stress can be helpful. It can be the motivator that keeps us self-isolating or washing our hands. But constant or high levels of stress can negatively affect our mental and physical health. Taking care of the mind is always important, but doing so in the midst …


Kind regards

J Watkins

Family Support Worker

Olton Primary School
