
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More

Olton Book Fair - One last day!

Dear Parents/Carers,


Our first in-house book fair was a brilliant success and I would like to say a huge thank you to all those parents who bought books or the educational book bundles. As soon as the book bundles arrive, I will distribute these to the children to bring home. 


A few Junior children have asked me this morning if they can still visit the fair as they were unable to visit on parents' evening nights due to the fair being based in the Meadow Reception Area. As we have a few junior books still on sale, I will be opening up the book sale for one last day tomorrow (Tuesday 18th October) during lunchtime (11:45am - 1:00pm) and will be based in the entrance to the junior library. If you would like your child to have the opportunity to purchase a book, please send them in with money for tomorrow. Our junior age range books are priced at either £3 or £4 and we are a cash only book fair. 


King Regards


Miss Fiona Jordan

Assistant Head/Reading and Spelling Lead
