Learning Together, Achieving More
Dear Parents/Carers,
Online Booking System for Parents’ Evening Appointments for Nursery to Year 6
We are holding our Autumn Term Parents’ Evenings on Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th October 2023 and for these, parents will be able to make an appointment using the online booking system. Appointments will be in person, in your child’s classroom and will be offered from 3:30pm – 6:30pm on both evenings.
Our unique website through which you can book appointments is: https://olton.schoolcloud.co.uk/.
You will log in to the system by adding your details and those of your child, including your child’s date of birth. The parents' evening system uses the details we hold on the SIMS school system. If it does not allow you to log in, please check that you have used your child’s full name or tried the legal name and preferred name. You can add in an email address you wish to use for confirmation and reminders of your chosen appointment time.
Attached with this letter is a Parents’ Guide for Booking Appointments which should take you through the process step by step. You will be able to book appointments through the online portal from 4pm on Wednesday 4th October.
We hope that you find the online booking system quick and easy to use. It should allow you to book the most convenient slot based on availability and for you to co-ordinate appointments, as necessary, if you have more than one child at our school.
If your child is also part of Chameleons class, taught by Mrs Pimm and Miss Jordan, please book an appointment with your child’s class teacher as normal on the online booking system and Mrs Pimm or Miss Jordan will join the class teacher for the appointment time.
If you are having any problems or do not have access to the internet, please contact the school office who can offer support.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Chamberlain Mrs Gray
Head Teacher Deputy Head Teacher
Olton Primary School
(N.B. Letters can be found under the 'News and Events -> 'Letters Home' option)