
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More

Rags2Riches4Schools Recycling Scheme - Reminder

Dear Parents/Carers,


Rags2Riches4Schools Recycling Scheme


We have signed up to the Rags2Riches4Schools recycling scheme, to help others around the world benefit from our good quality unwanted clothes and shoes.  We get 40p for every kilo we collect of reusable items that will go towards New equipment for our school and would be most grateful if you could help us with this challenge at home.  Bags will be available to collect from the Main meadow reception.


        Bag(s) can be brought into school on:

                            Monday 13th November 2023

                            Please bring to the main Meadow Reception where there will be a trolley to place your bags – Morning Only

                            Mark the black bag(s) with ‘R2R’


Please help us to help others and raise much needed funds for our school.  Thank you for your continuing support.


Yours sincerely,



Mrs L Napier

Family Support Worker





Do you have clothes in your wardrobe that you no longer wear, maybe last year’s fashions, or that buy that was too good to leave but it’s not really you after all?


Please help us fundraise by donating your good quality unwanted, re-useable (clean, dry and wearable) clothes and accessories.

(please pair and tie shoes together)


Your donations become affordable clothing in other countries.

So please DO NOT send poor quality, dirty or wet items, and no duvets, pillows, curtains, books, CDs or bric-a-brac.


STOP and THINK - is it something you’d wear out and about yourself or pass to a friend? If not, no-one else will want to buy and wear it either, so unfortunately it’s not reusable and can’t go in the bag.


Even if it’s only one t-shirt please bring it in, as it will all help our school.

If you can involve family, friends and neighbours please do.


We truly appreciate your support in helping raise additional funds for our school for the benefit of our children.

There’s no better feeling than knowing you raised funds, helped the economy, the environment, and somebody on the other side of the world – and all by donating some clothes.

If we can fill 100 black bags, we’ll have half a tonne!


Please bring your donations to school:



Main Meadow Reception area in a Black Bag


(Please mark bag(s) with ‘R2R’)
