
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More.

Red Nose Day - Friday 19th March (Non Uniform day)

Dear Parents and Carers,


We are pleased to announce a whopping  £729.40 was raised between both the Junior and Infant sites during our Red Nose Day events in aid of Comic Relief.


Well done to everyone that took part and all those who supported the events.



Dear Parents and Carers,


Red Nose Day 2021


As you may be aware, Friday 19th March is Red Nose Day, raising money for Comic Relief! We have different ways that we would like to celebrate the day.


Non-uniform day – both sites


The children on both sites can wear something that makes them smile for a suggested donation of 50p. This includes, but isn’t limited to:

·         Football kits

·         Onesies

·         Pyjamas (clean ones please!)

·         Fancy dress

·         A tuxedo or ball gown

We only ask that clothing is appropriate for school (not revealing, or likely to cause upset if it gets damaged.) If you have PE, please wear clothes and footwear that are suitable for physical activity.


The Red Nose and Spoon Race – Infant Site


To link to The One Show’s Red Nose and Spoon Race, the infant classes are going to hold their own version of this race in school on Friday to see who can be crowned as our very own Red Nose and Spoon Race Champion. We ask that the children bring 20p to enter the race which will be donated to Comic Relief alongside the 50p for coming in clothes that make them smile!


The Big Splat – Junior Site


We have five willing(-ish) volunteers and a supply of custard pies… Yes, you have the opportunity to splat a teacher!

Mr Chamberlain, Mrs Milton, Mrs Chavda, Miss Barnes and Mr Morgan might get splatted. We will have 5 containers in each classroom where you can donate money towards whoever you would like to see splatted - every penny will count! Whoever has the most money donated between Monday and Friday next week will receive a lovely pie to the face on Friday afternoon. So – decide who you would most like to see pie-d, and donate away! We will have an assembly on the day so the children can see who ‘wins’.


Thank you in advance for your generosity!


Miss Barnes

Custard Pie Co-ordinator
