Learning Together, Achieving More.
Dear Parents/Carers,
Firstly I would like to say thank you for supporting our School Book Fair this week. We have sold over £600 worth of books which will result in us receiving funds towards the purchase of new books for our school libraries.
I appreciate that there has been an issue, in some cases, with the online purchasing option. Part of this is because the online closure date finished a day earlier than expected, leaving some of you unable to make further payment and complete your purchase.
If you have ordered an online voucher, I am able to access a reference number but unfortunately I am not able to see what purchase has been made. In order to address this, if you would kindly let me know your child’s name, their class, the voucher value and the name of the book(s) you would like to purchase for the amount you have paid, I will order these books for you. Please would you let me know this information by the end of school day on Monday 13th December 2021. You can send the information to me in an email via the school office, or hand written for my attention.
Thank you for your patience and understanding in this. We are hoping that future book fairs will be able to run with parents and children visiting together after school to select and purchase books. Kind regards,
Miss Ashington
Reading for Pleasure Lead
Year 4 Teacher