
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More

School Lunches & Toast Orders

Good afternoon Parent/Carers,


There are a number of debits outstanding on your ParentPay account from today, due to school meal and/or toast.


Can we respectfully ask that you all check your ParentPay account, to ensure you have cleared any debit by the END OF TODAY and applied further credit if you wish your child to continue to order/purchase and receive a school meal (If not in receipt of Free school meals) and/or toast for the next day or two.



School meal is £2.20

Toast is £0.25


if you can all check your ParentPay accounts by the end of today, to check whether you have a debit that needs to be cleared, or if you need to apply further credit for the next day or two to cover school meals and/or toast.


Many thanks


Kind Regards


Mrs T Chakmak

Finance Officer/Wraparound Admin Officer
