
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More.

School Photographs - Siblings

Dear Parents and Carers,


The school photographer is returning to school to complete any outstanding photographs. Originally this date was Monday 14th November but due to some children swimming on a Monday, this has been changed to Friday 18th November.


Even though there is a slight delay, we have been assured that you will receive photos of your children in time for Christmas. The closing date for free delivery back to school is Friday 18th November 2022. If your child or sibling photo is outstanding, please send them into school in their uniform on Friday 18th November even if they would normally have PE.

Thank you.




Dear Parents and Carers,


We have been advised that the Photographer will be back on Monday 14th November at 1pm to complete the sibling photographs.  If you have not received a ‘proof sibling photo’ for your children their photo will be taken on Monday 14th November.  Thank you for your patience.


Best Wishes


Mr L Chamberlain

Head Teacher


