
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More.

Solihull Animal Care Centre Trip - Reception children

Good afternoon Parents/Carers


This is a reminder with regards to the above trip.


The deadline for payment (£6.00) is next Friday 24 May 2024. This is showing on all ParentPay accounts, however, should you wish a barcode letter to be sent home with your child, please let me know by return.


As you know the school has already contributed £4.50 towards this event for every pupil, but as a school, we would not be able cover any further shortfall. This would mean, should we not receive full contribution for each child, the event would need to be cancelled.


Thank you to the Parent/Carers that have paid, and as per above, if the event was cancelled you would receive a full refund.


Many thanks


Kind Regards


Mrs T Chakmak

Finance Officer/Wraparound Admin Officer
