Learning Together, Achieving More.
Hi all,
This is just a quick reminder that if you haven't already ordered your child their free World Book Day book using the form below, please do so before Thursday 30th January. https://forms.office.com/e/w4wiyM4NS5
Many thanks
Miss Jordan
Dear Parents/Carers,
You will have received an email today all about reading and World Book Day events. We have the opportunity again to order our World Book Day books in advance so the children can come home with a book on this day rather than the voucher. I have copied the information and link below for you.
World Book Day £1 voucher and books
This is a reminder that if you would like your child to bring home one of the £1 books on World Book Day rather than the £1 voucher, please ensure you have pre-ordered the book using the Microsoft Form link https://forms.office.com/e/w4wiyM4NS5.
We must receive your orders by Thursday 30th January 2025. If we haven't received an order from you by this date, we will presume that you do not wish to pre-order and so your child will receive a voucher on the day instead.
On the World Book Day website, they have all the books on offer to us and when you click on each one, it will provide some information about the book and a short video from the author. Please take some time to look through the books and help your child decide which book they would like in exchange for the £1 voucher.
This is a fabulous opportunity and I am sure lots of you will take up the opportunity to pre-order these books.
Miss F Jordan
Assistant Head