Learning Together, Achieving More.
Dear Year 2 Parent/Carers,
Thank you to those who were able to attend the Year 2 SATs meeting last night. Attached is the PowerPoint which was shared during the evening (refer to 'Letters Home' page). During the meeting we offered parents the opportunity to purchase either SATs paper examples at the cost of £7 and/or the book bundle (including Maths, Comprehension and Grammar booklets) at the cost of £9. The book bundle is the same bundle which was on offer during Parents Evening.
If anyone would like to order these and were not able to do so on the night, please can you let the office know by tomorrow (Friday 9am) so that this can be added to your parentpay account. Please note that payment needs to be made by Friday 24th February 2023 so that the items are able to be ordered and delivered as soon as possible.
Kind Regards
Miss F Jordan
Assistant Head/English Lead