Learning Together, Achieving More.
Dear Parents,
With the recent success of #letgirlsplay, we are delighted to invite your child to a girl's year 3 / 4 football festival. The event will take place on Thursday 9th May from 4 pm-6 pm.
The event is for girls who enjoy friendly competition and like to be involved in playing football
The venue for the festival will be:
Solihull Moors Football Club,
Damson Parkway,
B92 9EJ
Spectators will be allowed
Children will need their PE kit for the event (trainers only, no blades or studs).
If you are able to take part in the event, please complete the consent form below. Please be advised if you have filled the consent form in, this will mean you are automatically confirmed for the event:
If you have any queries or if you are unable to take part after you have signed up, please let us know via Class Dojo. If you are unable to take part please let us know as soon as possible so we are able to offer this exciting event to other children.
Thank you for your continued support.
We will invite you to a separate Dojo group by Friday in this week, if you have a place.
There are 9 places available (if numbers are high, we will ask for a second team option from the organisers)
Mrs Attwell and Mrs Brady