
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More.

Year 4 Warwick Castle - April 2022

Good morning, Parent/Carers,
Trust you and the children have all had an enjoyable break.
This is a reminder only to ask if you can ensure your child brings in the paper copy of the return slip on Monday 25/4/2022.  
Having checked the number of contributions received as of today, this stands at 28%.  As you know, we have to rely on Parent Contributions to allow trips to go ahead.  Unfortunately, if we do not receive contributions, the trip would need to be cancelled.  
The school will make a decision after Tuesday, based on the number of contributions received.
Please be aware, if you do not have a ParentPay account, I have already supplied a barcode letter to you on email to use at your local paypoint shop.
Thank you to the Parent/Carers that have already paid, and should the trip be cancelled, you will receive a full refund.
Many thanks
Kind regards
Mrs Chakmak
Finance Officer/Fielders Admin Manager