
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More

Year 6 trip to Holdenby House- Reinstated

Good morning Parents/Carers of Year 6,


We are really pleased to confirm the above trip will be going ahead on 12 December  This is due to several kind Parents/Carers paying additional funds to ensure this could happen.  Thank you to each and everyone of them.


We were able to reinstate the Venue and the Coaches late yesterday afternoon/evening.


I am sure this will bring many smiles to the children in school today.


Many thanks


Kind regards


Mrs T Chakmak
Finance Officer/Fielders Admin Manager
Olton Primary School


14th November 2023


Good morning Parents/Carers


We have made a difficult decision to cancel the Holdenby House trip due to insufficient funds to cover the cost of both the coach and activity. Like many schools, our budget is very tight, and we are unable to further subsidise school trips which are an enrichment to the curriculum.


We shall look with the year 6 trip team to find a different opportunity for the children to enrich their knowledge of World War 2.


Thank you for your understanding and we recognise that this is disappointing to all.


If you have paid, I will arrange a refund through ParentPay before the end of this week.


Many thanks


Kind Regards


Mrs T Chakmak

Finance Officer/Wraparound Admin Officer




Good afternoon Parents/Carers


We wanted to update you with regard to the above trip. 


As it stands now, the amount outstanding is £256.75. 


We have contacted the Venue/Coach Company who have both kindly given us an extension until 12 noon tomorrow, to confirm if the trip is to go ahead or if it is to be cancelled. If we do not receive the full amount outstanding by 1145am tomorrow Tuesday 14 November 2023, the trip will be cancelled.  I am sorry if this should happen, but as a school, we are unable to fund this.


Once again thank you to everyone who has paid, and if the trip is cancelled you will receive a full refund.


Many thanks


Kind Regards


Mrs T Chakmak

Finance Officer/Wraparound Admin Officer




Good afternoon Parents/Carers of Year 6,


Further to previous communication, we are writing to let you know that we have a shortfall of £316.00 to cover the cost of this trip.  Unfortunately, the school cannot cover this shortfall.


If you have not yet paid, please do so by 4pm today, otherwise we will have to cancel this trip. 


If you have already paid, thank you, and please ignore this email.


Mrs T Chakmak  

Finance Officer/Fielders Admin Manager
Olton Primary School




Good afternoon Parents/Carers of Year 6,


This is a gentle reminder that the contribution towards the above trip is due on or before this Friday 10 November 2023.  I can confirm as of today, we have only received 52% of contributions.  Thank you to everyone who has paid.


As you know if we have to cancel the trip, and you have paid, you will receive a full refund.


Many thanks


Mrs T Chakmak  

Finance Officer/Fielders Admin Manager
Olton Primary School
