
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More.

Additional Closure Day (Infant Block)

                                                                                   21 January 2025

Dear Parents/Carers,


As you all know our infant block was flooded in November, when a pipe burst in Nursery causing damage to five of our classrooms and four of our intervention spaces. We are pleased to report that the affected areas have been successfully dried out and remedial building work to refit the classrooms is well underway.


We have been informed, that we will be able to use the affected spaces after half term. In order to facilitate this, it will be necessary to close all of the classrooms in the infant block and the current Year 3 Pandas learning space on Monday 24th February. This will enable large items such as furniture as well as all of the resources to be set up in readiness for the children. Our Local Authority have granted us this so that we can restore a sense or normality as quickly as possible following a term of disruption for our children.


It has been agreed, that we can close the entire infant block to facilitate the unloading of the storage containers on site, which have housed all of the items that were retained from the classrooms. This means that we cannot have children working within this block while this is undertaken. Additional support will be made available to school on Monday 24th February to move the items from the storage containers, as well as from the hall and small hall which are currently being used as learning spaces, so that our classrooms can be fully restored and be ready for the children to use from Tuesday 25th February.


Gibbons, Leopards, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 will be in school as normal on Monday 24th February 2025.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank the children, staff and yourselves for your support and patience, whilst we have navigated a unique situation which has affected so many aspects of school life. We are very much looking forward to resuming school life and activities as we had originally planned for them in the second half of the Spring Term.


Yours sincerely,


Mr Chamberlain                  Mrs Gray

Head Teacher                      Deputy Head Teacher

