
Olton Primary School

Learning Together, Achieving More

Latest News

  • Warwick Castle Trip

    Fri 26 May 2023

    Good afternoon Parents/Carers,


    Your child will have brought home a letter this afternoon letting you know about a wonderful trip to Warwick Castle on Thursday 6 July 2023.


    Can we ask that you kindly return the slip after half term to your child’s class teacher, and please can you make the contribution payment of £18.50 on or before 20 June 2023.  If you know that your child will not be attending the trip can you let Mrs Chakmak know, and she will remove your child from the payment item on ParentPay.


    The school has made a payment of £7.25 per pupil towards the cost, and with the reduction we were able to secure with Warwick Castle, has heavily reduced the price.  We do need to let you know, that we have until 20 June 2023 to confirm with both the Venue and Coach Company that the trip can go ahead, to ensure the School does not receive cancellation charges.   If you have paid, and the trip has to be cancelled, you would receive a full refund.


    Enjoy the Half term break.


    Many thanks


    Kind Regards


    Mrs T Chakmak

    Finance Officer/Wraparound Admin Officer

  • Girls Football Club

    Thu 25 May 2023

    Good Morning Parents/Carers in Years 5 and 6,


    Please be advised that Girls Football Club will now resume in the new school year.  It has been a pleasure seeing the joy the girls have found in playing the sport this year.  We are so proud of them!  Thank you for your support from the side-lines too.


    Best wishes,


    Miss Walton and Miss Turner

    Olton Primary School

  • Year 5 - Mad Museum Trip

    Tue 16 May 2023

    Good morning Parents/Carers of Year 5,


    Having checked the above payment item on ParentPay I can confirm we have only received 44% of contributions.  The deadline for payments was yesterday 15 May 2023.


    We have extended the deadline for a further 24 hours, to allow further contributions to be received. Unfortunately, if we do not receive pupil contributions, we will have no other choice but to cancel the trip.  


    Venues/Coach Companies charge to cancel trips if notice is not provided as per their terms and conditions. This is the reason that we have deadline dates for payments.


    Please be aware that if you have paid the contribution for your child, should we have to cancel this trip, you would receive a full refund.



    Many thanks


    Kind Regards


    Mrs T Chakmak

    Finance Officer/Wraparound Admin Officer


  • Nursery - Lowe Ranger Workshop

    Thu 11 May 2023

    Good morning Parents/Carers,


    As you are aware, the school is covering the majority of the cost for the above event, but as of today, we have only received 48% of the contributions. The deadline for the payment is tomorrow, the 12 May 2023, but sadly, should we not receive enough contributions we will have to cancel the workshop.


    Thank you to the parents that have already paid.  If the workshop is cancelled you will receive a refund.


    Many thanks


    Kind Regards


    Mrs T Chakmak

    Finance Officer/Wraparound Admin Officer

  • Coronation Celebrations

    Wed 03 May 2023

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    To commemorate the forthcoming Coronation for King Charles III, we will be having a special day to mark this significant historical event with the children on Friday 5th May.


    We would like children to dress up on this Friday, either in their special occasion clothes, which might be relating to their culture or religion, or as a former British King or Queen (William the conqueror, Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth I or II or maybe even one their teacher doesn’t know much about!


    The children will come home with a template for a piece of bunting, with the challenge to decorate this in any way they feel appropriate so we can create a bespoke and memorable Coronation decoration.  This can be decorated both sides if the children wish and to be returned to school by Tuesday 2nd May.


    During the day, children will also be finding out about the traditions and history of the Coronation ceremony and taking part in activities relating to this historical event. 


    In addition to this, we would like to replicate the success of our afternoon cream tea which we held last year to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  This event is open to parents and relatives to come along and enjoy a cream team (£2.00) to include a scone, jam, cream and a cup of tea/ coffee. We are aiming for wonderful sunshine, but in the event of rain, we shall use the school hall. This event will be held on the upper school playground and we hope lots of you will be able to join us.  The event will take place between 1.45pm and 2.45pm and payments in cash will be taken at the event.  If you would like to make a cake donation for us to sell at the afternoon cream tea, this would be much appreciated.  Cake donations should be brought to the Meadow Reception on the morning of 5th May 2023. 


    We hope the children and our families will enjoy this special day ahead of the Coronation.


    Yours sincerely,


    Mr Chamberlain, Mrs Gray  and the team at Olton


  • Rags2Riches4Schools Recycling Scheme

    Wed 03 May 2023

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    Rags2Riches4Schools Recycling Scheme


    All our infant children should have received a pack today to donate your unwanted clothes to our appeal! Junior children will receive theirs tomorrow. Just a reminder that the donations are to be brought into school on Friday 19th May or Monday 22nd May 2023.


    No donations will be taken until these dates. We are hoping that your generosity in donating your unwanted clothes will help those in need and help towards some new equipment for our Play Café.

    Thank you for your continued support

    Mrs Napier/Ms Glover

    Family Support Team



    We have signed up to the Rags2Riches4Schools Recycling Scheme, to help others around the world benefit from our good quality unwanted clothes and shoes.  We get 40p for every kilo we collect of reusable items that will go towards new equipment for our Play Café and would be most grateful if you could help us with this challenge at home.


            Bag(s) can be brought into school by:

                                Friday 19th May or Monday 22nd May 2023

                                Please bring to the main Meadow Reception

                                Mark the black bag(s) with ‘R4R’


    Please help us to help others and raise much needed funds for our school.  Thank you for your continuing support.


    Yours sincerely,




    Mrs L Napier

    Family Support Worker






    Do you have clothes in your wardrobe that you no longer wear, maybe last year’s fashions, or that buy that was too good to leave but it’s not really you after all?


    Please help us fundraise by donating your good quality unwanted, re-useable (clean, dry and wearable) clothes and accessories.

    (please pair and tie shoes together)


    Your donations become affordable clothing in other countries.

    So please DO NOT send poor quality, dirty or wet items, and no duvets, pillows, curtains, books, CDs or bric-a-brac.


    STOP and THINK - is it something you’d wear out and about yourself or pass to a friend? If not, no one else will want to buy and wear it either, so unfortunately it’s not reusable and can’t go in the bag.


    Even if it’s only one t-shirt please bring it in, as it will all help our school.

    If you can involve family, friends and neighbours please do.


    We truly appreciate your support in helping raise additional funds for our school for the benefit of our children.

    There’s no better feeling than knowing you raised funds, helped the economy, the environment, and somebody on the other side of the world – and all by donating some clothes.

    If we can fill 100 black bags, we’ll have half a tonne!


    Please bring your donations to school:


    FRIDAY 19th MAY 2023 or MONDAY 22nd MAY 2023 Main Meadow Reception area in a Black Bag


    (Please mark bag(s) with ‘R4R’)
